Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

When Ballet become comic..

Many comic artist of Japanese inspired ballet, one of them is Megumi Mizusawa with her comic titled “Toe Shoes” and Kyoko Ariyoshi with her comic titled “Swan Act II”.
Let’s we start discuss the comic “Toe Shoes” by Megumi Mizusawa. Toe Shoes are commonly used name of the ballerina’s shoes to dance ballet. Toe Shoes tells how the strunggle of a young girl named Kurumi Morino.
Formerly she was a girl who doesn’t like ballet, but after watching ballet performance with her close friend whose taking ballet lesson, she was impressed with the dance and want to be a prima ballerina.
Starting from Toe Shoes 1-5, all the books tells all about Kurumi’s world and of course, her favorite things :: ballet. She is a strong girl, and cheerful. Till at last she reached what she wants. Megumi Mizusawa also slipped her variety experiences when she following the adult ballet class..
Kyoko Ariyoshi have the same idea with Megumi Mizusawa. Kyoko Ariyoshi also recounts the strunggle of a girl named Maia kleist to achieve her goal become a famous ballerina.
But, the difference, if Kurumi was the daughter of parents who no have background in ballet, Maia Kleist has a pair of parents which is a famous ballet dancer.
Maia Kleist is a humble and beautiful girl, have a ballet tallent inherited from her parents
I really like the picture of Kyoko Ariyoshi , the picture is very nice and can’t get bored when we want to read it again..
Both comic are suitable to read  by the dancers, especially ballet dancers who feel hopeless or less enthusiasm to fight in ballet.    

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Kind of ballet story...

1. Swan lake 

Most everyone already knows the plot of swan lake ... but for those who do not know, I will tell it to you. 
Odette is kidnapped by evil sorcerer Rothbart, a half-human, half bird. The evil sorcerer turns the Princess into a swan and condemns her to a life under his spell at the lakeside. The wicked witch change into swans and condemned her to live under the spells on the lake. Fortunately, she meet a fairy queen who is acctually Rothbart's sister. The fairy queen helps her and give her a crown with a crystals to prevent herself from Rothbart

Prince who was hunting falcon accidentally met with the goose .. Then turn goose chase, and came to the enchanted forest where the geese live or Odette. At nightfall, he was again turned into Odette agian . When he saw it, immediately enchanted him. Odette was also felt the same. Since then, the prince and Odette often met and they loved each other. And people in the palace did not know about this.

Unfortunately, the evil Rothbart and his daughter often come and disturbing Odette and the prince . But always lose because they lost power with the power of crystals in the Odette's crown.

On one day, the king and queen princes throw a party to find a mate. Odette was invited to the palace to be introduced to the whole palace.
Rothbart sent his daugther to wear a necklace that contains a malicious spells for the prince thought that she is Odette. And exactly what they plan, Odette came late and saw the prince was dancing with Rothbart's daugther . Odette was sad and dead. The Crystal's 
strength in the crown Odette was disappeared.

Realized his mistake, the prince trying to save a fierce battle between rothbart. Now, there is no force that protects the prince, the prince fell to the ground and lay dead along with Odette. But their love is much more powerful and successful Rothbart's curse be broken. they lived and live happily forever. 


Senin, 13 Desember 2010

The benefit of learning ballet

     Practicing ballet, both started when still a child or adult when starting from the base. All beginners will learn the basics of ballet including how to stand the true shape points, and other basic movements that do not require high technical. In practice, need dicipline. Discipline will stimulate thinking and positive mental attitude of the child that in order to achieve a goal, we need the business, process, and perseverance.

     When children attend ballet class, of course they must come on time and follow the rules that apply in the classroom, for example, may not speak during the course. Dance that developed in France during the reign of King Louis XIV also teach children social, flocking, and learn to work together.

    Still the benefits of ballet for the health of the body, dance is also believed to be beneficial in strengthening the immune system. Primarily for children who are physically weak. Now, through this ballet, children will learn to develop a sense of dance movements, rhythm, and their appreciation of music.

     Ideally, start the habit started dancing since a very young age. Because at this time the human body is still quite flexible, making it easy to move and set up.

Plie (the basic movement)

      Plie is simple ballet movement learned in the basic level. Plie can be done at 5 position of ballet. The principle of the plie is bend the knee movement toward the side with the positions of the body, neck and head remained upright. At first Plie exercises should be performed at the ballet bar to keep the position for neck and body properly. There are 2 kind of plie :

1. Demi Plie

2. Grand Plie


Ballet is a combination about elegant dance, beautiful music, costume, pantomime, and decoration. This type of dance appear from 400 years in Europe, especially in France… The beginning, ballet take song and conversation element  besides dance… The dancers wear high heels shoes. Then, about 200 years ago, Ballet dancer begin to wear soft shoes, that shoes have flat heel like use now…

5 position
Almost all ballet’s step start and end with one position of  5 body position. 5 body position made by Pierre Beauchamps, choreographer from France. Choreographer is the person who created ballet show / dance with accordance step or movements with music.Not only body have 5 position, hand have 5 positions too...

this is feet's position



Dance with go on tiptoe
Woman ballet’s dancer is called Ballerina. They wear satin shoes is called ‘toe shoes”. Tip of the shoes made stiff with glue. So ballerina can dance en pointe or stand on tiptoe without hurt their feet…

Ballerina’s costume
When ballerina dance, they wear skirt called  tutu.  Romantic tutu is tutu which length reached knee..  Classical tutu is tutu which length olny reached the top of knee... For their feet, they wear toe shoes. They wear many costume to play their role.   

 Romantic tutu

 Classical tutu